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2001-2002 Study Laptop Computers as a Tool for Authentic Instruction, Florida Title I Elementary School

Date: 2001-2002
Author: Kate Kemker
Affiliation: Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Keywords: authentic instruction, Title I, elementary


The purpose of this study was to examine the use of the laptop computer as a tool in authentic instruction with students from low-socioeconomic backgrounds.The teachers involved in the study were given their own laptop computer and training on various application programs. They were also provided with access to a set of laptop computers for their classroom, along with other peripherals, such as scanners and digital cameras, for student use. The project was implemented in two second-grade classrooms and two fourth-grade classrooms and was enthusiastically endorsed by the principal.

Research Question:

Under what conditions do computers have the most benefit for students?

Key Findings:

Instructional conversation between the teachers and students: