2005 Research: What It Says About 1 to 1 Learning
Date: June 2005
Author: William Penuel, Ph.D
Affiliation: Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International
Keywords: staff development, student attitudes, teacher attitudes, Change, Goals, Support, Apple, Research Design
This study, conducted under contract with Apple Computer, Inc., aimed to analyze research-based evidence from research studies published between 2001 and 2005 and to identify what is known and not yet known about:
* The effects of 1-to-1 computing initiatives on students
* How students use laptops and wireless connectivity
* What teaching looks like in 1 to 1 classrooms
Key Findings:
To summarize the key findings from this synthesis, on the basis of the review of 30 well-designed implementation and outcome studies, the researchers concluded:
* Effecting change in teaching practice depends on professional development and changing some teachers' beliefs about the role of technology and students' capabilities. Available research-based evidence is generally positive, especially with respect to laptop programs' effects on technology use, technology proficiency, and writing skills.
* Overall, however, there is limited research-based evidence from rigorously designed experimental or quasi-experimental studies of laptop programs' effectiveness.
* More quasi-experimental and experimental research is needed that examines both outcomes and implementation if further major investments in 1 to 1 initiatives are to be warranted by the research base.
Source Article: http://ubiqcomputing.org/Apple_1-to-1_Research.pdf