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21st Century Students

Growing Up Digital. How the Web changes Work, Education and the Ways People Learn

John Seely-Brown

Seely-Brown considers the ways in which the Web has changed education, how we work and how we learn.

Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation

Don Tapscott

Don Tapscott turns his attention to the way young people - surrounded by high-tech toys and tools from birth - will likely affect the future. In Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation, Tapscott parlays some 300 interviews into predictions on how today's 2- to 22-year-olds might reshape society.

Learners as Customers

Mr. John Findlay, Dr. Robert Fitzgerald, and Mr. Russell Hobby

This paper reports on what teachers say when presented with the results of online surveys of what students think about their pedagogical performance and classroom climate and then go on to invent a new and better world for learners. The paper also reports on what students feel about the use of ICT in their classrooms and what they might do to re-invent school.

Learning in the Digital Age

John Seely-Brown

Seely-Brown considers learning not as a response to learning but as a of a social framework that fosters learning and posits that, to succeed in our struggle to build technology and new media to support learning, we must move far beyond the traditional view of teaching.

Millennials Rising. The Next Great Generation

Neil Howe and William Strauss

Building on the concepts they first developed in Generations and 13th Gen, Neil Howe and William Strauss now take on Generation Y, or, as they call them, the Millennials. According to Howe and Strauss, this group is poised to become the next great generation, one that will provide a more positive, group-oriented, can-do ethos. Huge in size as well as future impact, they're making a sharp break from Gen-X trends and a direct reversal of boomer youth behavior.

The Kids of the '90's: Learning to Learn with Multimedia Internet Technologies

Idit Harel

Idit Harel discusses the nature of children who are growing up and learning with multimedia technologies. What is different and special about these children? And, most importantly for educators, how can we build the best multimedia learning experiences for them?

Transforming Learning: An anthology of miracles in technology-rich classrooms

Bruce Dixon and Jenny Little

This book is about a learning transformation that started in one classroom in 1989 and has grown to impact more than 150,000 students in more than ten countries around the world. The book is both a collection of the experiences of some great educators as they passed through a very challenging time in their professional careers, and also a snapshot of learning in so many more classrooms. Transforming Learning is built around three main themes; sharing tales from the classroom, reflections from teachers on the change processes that they had to go through, and some analysis of learning styles and the way in which learning must change as a result of having this type of access to technology.

Transforming Schools with Technology

Andrew A. Zucker

This book provides readers with dozens of illustrations of constructive ways that schools are using computers, the Internet, and related digital tools. Zucker's book uses a framework of six educational goals as a way to better understand how schools use technology to meet the multiple aims policymakers have established for them. One of the important consequences of using these goals as a framework is to clarify thinking and conversations about the important roles technology is playing in schools.

Zero to Six. Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

Kaiser Family Foundation

Recent years have seen an explosion in electronic media marketed directly at the very youngest children in our society, yet very little is known about how these changes have played out in young people's lives. In order to help understand the implications, the Foundation conducted a national study of more than 1,000 parents of children ages six months through six years. The findings are published in this report.