Educational Technology
Conditions for Classroom Innovation
Y. Zhao, K. Pugh, S. Sheldon and J. L. Byers
This article reports on a study of the complex and messy process of classroom technology integration. The main purpose of the study was to empirically address the large question of "why don't teachers innovate when they are given computers?" rather than whether computers can improve student learning.The study found 11 salient factors that significantly impact the degree of success of classroom technology innovations.
Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators
Joel Colbert, Kim Boyd, Kevin Clark, Sharon Guan, Judith Harris, Mario Kelly, Ann Thompson
This handbook addresses the concept and implementation of technological pedagogical content knowledge--the knowledge and skills that teachers need in order to meaningfully integrate technology into instruction in specific content areas. Recognizing, for example, that effective uses of technology in mathematics are quite different from effective uses of technology in social studies, teachers need specific preparation in using technology in each content area they will be teaching.
Laptops for All
Roberta Furger
This article from Edutopia illustrates some curriculum activities undertaken by the students at Mott Hall and provides some video footage of the class in action.
Rethinking How to Invest in Technology
Chris Dede
Chris Dede's chapter urges us to consider the need for simultaneous innovations to occur in pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and school organization, along with technology. Dede is critical of 'second-generation' thinking in educational technology that promotes computers as somehow magically empowering learners, serving as a "fire hose that sprays information from the Internet into the learner's minds."
Transforming Schools with Technology
Andrew A. Zucker
This book provides readers with dozens of illustrations of constructive ways that schools are using computers, the Internet, and related digital tools. Zucker's book uses a framework of six educational goals as a way to better understand how schools use technology to meet the multiple aims policymakers have established for them. One of the important consequences of using these goals as a framework is to clarify thinking and conversations about the important roles technology is playing in schools.
Visual Tools for Constructing Knowledge
David Hyerle
Three types of visual tools can help K-12 students and teachers construct knowledge, organize information, and communicate their learning with others: brainstorming webs, task-specific organizers, and thinking-process maps. This book explains WHAT visual tools are, WHY we should use them, and HOW to get the most out of these tools.