Need for Change
A Whole New Mind. Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age
Daniel Pink
This book is a 'must read' for anyone debating why schools need to change what they currently do. Daniel Pink clearly articulates the way the world has changed and how many of our traditional employment paths - be they lawyers, accountants, radiologists or software engineers, need to seriously reconsider the value they will add in a world moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, from left brain processing to right brain abilities.
Risky Business
James Daly
Imagine that two-thirds of the packages FedEx absolutely positively promises to deliver by tomorrow morning never arrive. Imagine that one-quarter of all new iPods can't play music recorded after 1999. Imagine that Gap advertises to the masses but sells its clothes only to rich customers. Now you have imagined the business equivalent of the U.S. system of public education.
The World Is Flat. A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
Thomas Friedman
In this monograph Friedman explains how the flattening of the world occurred at the start of the 21st Century; what it means to countries, companies, communities and individuals; and how governments and societies can, and must adapt.
Transforming Learning: An anthology of miracles in technology-rich classrooms
Bruce Dixon and Jenny Little
This book is about a learning transformation that started in one classroom in 1989 and has grown to impact more than 150,000 students in more than ten countries around the world. The book is both a collection of the experiences of some great educators as they passed through a very challenging time in their professional careers, and also a snapshot of learning in so many more classrooms. Transforming Learning is built around three main themes; sharing tales from the classroom, reflections from teachers on the change processes that they had to go through, and some analysis of learning styles and the way in which learning must change as a result of having this type of access to technology.
Transforming Schools with Technology
Andrew A. Zucker
This book provides readers with dozens of illustrations of constructive ways that schools are using computers, the Internet, and related digital tools. Zucker's book uses a framework of six educational goals as a way to better understand how schools use technology to meet the multiple aims policymakers have established for them. One of the important consequences of using these goals as a framework is to clarify thinking and conversations about the important roles technology is playing in schools.