

Anytime Anywhere Learning
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AALF Education Topics

AALF believes the opportunities for professional learning that a one-to-one initiative brings to the table are rich and rewarding. We also recognize that synthesizing the essential learning areas can be time consuming for leadership teams. To this end, we have developed AALF Education Topics.

These AALF Topics are designed as one or two page information briefs that address a specific focus area that directly impacts one-to-one technology initiatives, for example Change Processes, with an explanation of what the topic is, why it is important, what the research tells us about that topic, some key questions that may help to prompt discussion and the key references that support the topic.

How could you use these Education Topics?

* You may like to download a topic and share it with your colleagues as an information resource.

* You may have an online discussion facility in which you could post a topic and open debate with your faculty.

* You may like to use a topic as a catalyst for a staff professional learning session or series of sessions as you explore and develop strategies around a one-to-one initiative.

* You may like to dig deeper into an issue using the references for each topic.

We will be adding to these Topics regularly and welcome suggestions from you regarding issues you may like us to address in the Education Topic Format.

Building Professional Learning Communities

Building Shared Vision

Curriculum Design Models

The Digital Divide

Understanding Learning Science Research

Understanding the Educational Change Process

Understanding the Millenial Generation

Why Should Schools and Classrooms Change?