Portugal Transforms Primary Education with 1:1 Technology Integration
Date: 2011
Author: Debora Goes, Mario Joao Braga, Intel Education
Keywords: Europe, Government
Portugal is home to one of the world's most successful, nationwide 1:1 technology integration programs targeting primary education. Begun in 2008, the program has transformed the country's primary education system, created a new generation of eLearners, and built an education technology industry that now exports its solutions worldwide.
Portugal's technology integration program, known as e.Escolinha program or the "Magellan project," is part of a broader, government-led initiative that combines age-appropriate technology and content with the training, support, and Internet connectivity students need to develop 21st century skills. Already, e.Escolinha program has helped to deliver broadband Internet access to all schools in the country. In addition, every first cycle student (grades 1-4)--more than 750,000 students in all--now has access to the Magellan PC, a locally produced computer that uses the Intel-powered classmate PC reference design.
The success of the e.Escolinha program depends on the government's long-term investment in comprehensive eLearning programs, tight integration of economic development and educational goals, and phased home-to-school rollout. Through its rapid transformation of Portugal's education system, e.Escolinha program demonstrates how countries around the world can develop successful and sustainable eLearning programs
Source Article: http://download.intel.com/education/transformation/Ed_Transformation_CS_Portugal_LoRes.pdf