

Anytime Anywhere Learning
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AALF Newsletters

Did you miss receiving a copy of the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation's newsletter, One-to-One? Have you misplaced the emailed version? Are you new to the Foundation?

Below, you will find links to earlier editions of the newsletter. If you are not receiving the newsletter, click the Join the Mailing List button below or become a member of AALF.


June: New Partnerships

April: Frameworks for Change

February: Learning in the Classroom


December: 1:1 Research in Action

October:1:1 and Strategies for Change

August: 1:1 and Contemporary Learning

May: Rethinking Learning and Teaching with 1:1

February: 1:1 - 21st Century Learning


November:1:1 - Choices and Change

September: Expectations and Experiences with 1:1

August: 1:1 in Latin America

May Making Change Happen With 1:1

March: 1:1 and 21st Century Learning

January: 1:1 Professional Learning


November: Foundations of Contemporary Learning

September: Rethinking Learning in the 1:1 Era

July: New Learning Environments

May: Making Change Happen

March: Curriculum Ideas for 1:1

January: Learning Opportunities


November: 1:1 Experiences: New Perspectives

September: Big Ideas and Learning

June: Learning in the 21st Century

March: Happy 20th Anniversary, 1-to-1!

January: Pedagogy and Change


November: Global Learning Opportunities

September: Student Voice

June: AALF's New Website

May: Web 2.0

April: Partnerships

February: Coaching

January: International Stories


November: Communication

October: Disruption, Innovation, Education

July/August: The Precious Curriculum

June: Sustaining What and Why?

May: 1-to-1 Pedagogy Revisited

April: Sustaining What?

March: Very Slow Learning for a Digital Revolution

January: The Tipping Point-- to What?


December: Wanted: A Bucket of Cold Water

November: What if Every Child Had a Laptop- and Nothing Changed? Part 2

October: What if Every Child Had a Laptop and Nothing Changed? Part 1

August: Newsletter

July: Newsletter

June: Newsletter